-Conductive Foam: Conductive foams for use in the EMI sheilding.These foams can be supplied in various thicknesses and dimentions for sheildingof enclosures,cable trays and.........
-Vowen Mesh Sheild:These sheilds are vowen metal mesh braidedon elastomers or foams.High attenution in low frequencis,abrasion resistance and durability are distinct feaures of these sheilds.They are mainly used for sheilding of doors,windows,ventilation as well as frame sheilding of structurees.These are suppliedin various shapes,round,rectangular,.....
- Rubber Sheild with Metal Mesh
-Water tight rubber sheilds
-Pyramidal BroadBand RF Absorbers
-Sheilding foams with conductive Fabric
-Sheided Foams with Foil
-Absorbant ferrite and Sic plates
-EMI Conductive Fabrics &Foils
-Electrically Conductive Tapes
-EMI Transparent Sheilding Windows
-Conductive Resins &Paint
-Sheilded ventilation Frames
-Input Data & Signal Filters
-Sheilded Enclosures
-Any type of Sheilding rubber Gasckets
-Metal Plating Services on Plastics